
Find 300+ investors in mobile app development for your technology-focused Startup in NYC.


Find 300+ investors in mobile app development for your technology-focused Startup in NYC.

  • Mobile App Development
  • Software Outsourcing
  • Startups

24 May 2018


New York is one of the most loved cities in the world… The Skyline, the Night Life, Art and Theater, Cultures and Diversity and Free of Will are within its appealing attributes… and of course, Business! NYC is one of the best places in America for tech-enabled Startups and mobile app development!

The NYC investment sources are Big. More of a third of investors in Startups in America are in NYC with an impressive 36% share of total US funding during April 2017 according to Alliewatch funding report

The estimated size of the ecosystem is nearby 10,000 investors among VCs, Angels, and Accelerators.

So, before start searching… What kind of investor does your Startup need? this Article may help a lot in making your decision.

Once you know what to look for it’s time to search in the following 3 complete tools to reach out the right investor for your business:

VentureApp NYC

It’s a powerful social App and Website providing a network visualization (the Venture Map) of the relationships between investors - angels, VCs, and accelerators/incubators -  are on the outside of the map, with startups on the inside of the map.

As of October 2017, VentureApp was running with 270+ Investors, 800+ Businesses and 1900+ Investments in NYC.

Most of the business have intensive requirements in mobile app development and web development.

The App provides all social networking for startups and investors in a simple workflow:

  1. Search to highlight businesses or people.
  2. Explore relationships and connections between investors, accelerators, and businesses.
  3. Chat directly with fellow members of your local network.

The VentureMap is powered by VentureApp with support from RRE Ventures.

AlleyWatch NYC - Venture Capitals and Angels.

The Pulse of NYC Startups and Tech. AlleyWatch is the largest organization focused on the New York startup and tech community.

As part of this positioning, AlleyWatch offers to entrepreneurs the following valuable listings and reviews of people and companies in the Angels and Venture Capital firms spectrum.

Alley Watch also offers information and services on Tech Events, Coworking Spaces, and Accelerators for Startups.

Matchmaking is the keyword: Using this tool investors, media groups and technology-focused companies in dedicated software development teams like Teravision Technologies could find a whole universe of Startups… and it’s just swiping like Tinder!

Finally, if these tools to find the right investor for your Startup were useful, Teravision Tech will be the right partner for any web application development, mobile app development, software testing and more.

Using either fixed-scope projects or dedicated software development team.

  • Mobile App Development
  • App Development

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